


Of Green M&M's and Old Gorons

1:00 p.m. - 2007-08-07

I had a weird dream. Maybe someone can interpret it for me.

My brother and I walked into an amphitheatre, the kind you see at the Renaissance Faire (which was because we were apparently at the Renaissance Faire). We were both dressed up in our Ren Faire outfits, and we might've been with at least one more person. I'm not sure who it was, and I don't think I ever found out.

There was a slight breeze that caught my cloak as a walked up the aisle of the theatre, I recall, and we crossed near the stage. We took a seat, and watched the show. I know that it was at least partly musical, because after the show, we approached the performer (I thought of him as a magician, for some reason) and asked him if he had a CD that we could buy.

I remember quite clearly that he gave us a terrified or horrified look, and said that you couldn't buy his act on CD anywhere. I was a bit miffed about his attitude, which was a little offensive and very puzzling, but I left it at that, and we exited the amphitheatre through a small wood-carving shop. There were interestingly painted wooden shields, as well as bicycles and an elderly motorcycle. I believe that I also asked this shopkeeper about the musician's CD, but I don't remember what he said. I do recall having a sudden resolute feeling that I was going to look the CD up on the internet, though.

On our way out of the shop, a woman/girl caught up to us, and called out what I assume was my name. I answered to it, recognized it, but I don't know exactly what she called me. She ran up and smiled, giggling a little, saying how good it was to see me after all this time. Then she asked to borrow some money from me.

I smirked and asked her how much she wanted, and she answered "One." I understood this cryptic answer, and led her over to a store counter. I reached for my money purse, which was apparently my work side-bag, and tried to take one Platinum Piece (a la Everquest) out of it, but the zipper to that pocket was broken. So I ended up counting out one hundred Gold Pieces, out of the zippered pocket just above the Platinum one. As I set them on the counter, I noticed that they were in actuality green M&M's, which gave me pause. (I think I started to wake up, or at least reject the dream, at this point)

I looked around and saw a strange sight in the distance, past the shop where we were standing. There was a long rope bridge strung between two cliffs. That was odd enough, considering the local geography around the Renaissance Faire. However, even stranger was the old Goron (a la Twilight Princess) that was pacing along the bridge. I was quite freaked out by this point--after all, my Gold Pieces were M&M's and I was seeing Gorons--so I woke up.

So that was pretty confusing. I think it's a combination of too much Twilight Princess and not enough thin candy shells.

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