


+1 Blind

12:46 p.m. - 2007-08-05

My birthday is in two days. I'm excited about it, insofar as I get excited about things, but I'm also not looking forward to it, curiously enough. That's not to say that I have any negative feelings towards my birthday, but I'm just neutral to it. I think that a lot of people really look forward to their birthdays and expect a lot of pampering and gifts and whatever. I just don't really see the point.

I feel like I'm not being very clear. Here's a wicked cool numbered list.

  1. I like my birthday. But not for the presents and such, but more for the feeling that I get when I realize that other people are thinking (hopefully) pleasant thoughts about me.

  2. I do like presents. However, the saying "It's the thought that counts." really does apply in this situation. You could buy me a brand-spanking-new $5000 IMac or a PS3, and I would be vaguely disappointed. I would certainly appreciate the money that I would get by returning your gift, but it would show that you really don't know me all that well, and that (depending on who you are, of course) would dishearten me.

    Now, if you bought me, say, a complete set of an anime series that I love, for a considerable amount less than the $5000 IMac, I would melt. Literally, I think.

  3. I do like being pampered and allowances being made for my behavior. However, (enter the lettered sublist!)

    1. I don't think anyone should have to put up with me being a bastard at any time. You can tell me if I'm being a jackass, even on my birthday. I might be a little upset, but at least I won't be acting like a bastard.

    2. I really think that people should be getting on with what they need to get done in a day. I'd love for you to sit around, waiting on me hand and foot, but I understand that you have things to do, too.

People seem to take their birthdays a little too seriously. I don't mind waiting a few days to celebrate it (I'm waiting until the 9th, because I've got work), and I don't expect the entire day to revolve around me. Certainly, I want a few hours of your time, and at least a little of your thought, but I don't want to become a sucking vortex of needs and petty wants that you have to satisfy.

Honestly, I hope that I never become a sucking vortex of anything. It just sounds... wrong.

My plan for my birthday is as follows:

  1. Sleep in.
  2. Wake up and eat deliciousness, perhaps sushi. SUSHI FOR BREAKFAST?! (No, it's just sushi flavored cereal! Suuushi Crisp!)
  3. Play Twilight Princess, or maybe some Secret of Mana with my girl. Although I'm lazy, and the SNES isn't hooked up...
  4. Eat more deliciousness, perhaps steak.
  5. ???
  6. Profit!!

Yeah, something like that. I think that, unless something better comes along, there will also be a gratuitous watching of Jet Li movies.

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